Our Services
Personal Design Profile
Your Personal Design Profile
Price: $300
What is it?
Also known as a Color Reading, a Personal Design Profile gives you an in-depth analysis of your total personality.
Human Art is the only personality test which will never ask you to fill out a questionnaire or inventory to determine your personality profile. Existing personality tests are useful and can be meaningful to many but any personality test which relies on self-report quizzes and questionnaires can be skewed and distorted based on how the respondent interprets the question or wants to be perceived.
Human Art is an objective, observable measure which uses the science of color, line, sound and movement to determine how your personality fits into existing harmonies in nature. For those of us, who have questioned, “Who am I?” or have experienced invalidation and confusion about your sense of self, Human Art answers many questions about how we are made and how we complement our surroundings. Harmonies exist in nature and they share the same colors, lines, sound and movement. If you relate to a particular harmony, your personality shares the same communication.
A color reading is the first step in the personality profile process and the most scientific part of determining your profile. Through measuring projecting and harmonizing scales, the frequency of the colors interact with the neurons in the nerve endings in the skin and either project and harmonize or appear flat against your face. No two profiles are the same and each participant leaves with an in-depth understanding of their personality and with a comprehensive plan to address personal and interpersonal dynamics.
Included in Your Personal Design Profile Service:
- A full color reading that tells you exactly how much, in exact percentages, of each of the four harmonies you have in your personality.
- Learn in what areas of your life the different harmonies may manifest themselves (for example, Saturated may be your dominant design, but when you are cleaning you may have more Whitened traits that come through).
- One-on-one time with Brook and Rod to discuss and understand all aspects of your personality. Become more confident and happy with who you are as you learn how to use your best traits in all areas of life.
- A workbook to take home and refer back to whenever you need a reminder of why you are a masterpiece!
Join us in Utah to have your personality profile assessment completed and explore opportunities to reconnect with your original self.
Human Art Family Reunions
Human Art can create an entire day around your family! Customized for your specific needs, we can offer you a Human Art experience that no one else will have!
Large or small, Human Art can give your family a special day where you learn all about your and your family members’ designs and then have a customized experience depending on what you’d like your family to learn!
Pricing will vary, starting price: $1,500
Included in your family reunion day is:
- An entire day (up to 8 hours) with Human Art
- At least a 1 hour of that will be a Human Art 101 presentation to make sure everyone knows and understands the four harmonies
- 2 hours of on-site consultation on a topic of your choice (interior design, fashion/style, family dynamics, etc.)
- The remaining hours will be customized based on your family size and what you would like done that day. Possible services could include:
The sky is the limit when it comes to Human Art and your family! Contact us and we’ll get started planning your unique family day!
Corporate Retreat
Human Art Corporate Retreats
Just as with families, no matter the size of your business, Human Art can customize an experience just for your team. Whether you want to learn more about sales, customer service, team building or all of the above, we’ve got you covered!
Pricing will vary, starting price: $3000
Included in your corporate retreat is:
- An entire day (up to 8 hours) with Human Art
At least one hour of that will be a Human Art 101 presentation to make sure everyone knows and understands the four harmonies - A customized day of learning for you and your team. Possible topics could be: team building, understanding and celebrating one another’s design and how to work with each other
- Depending on the number of people in your group, smaller group discussions or training may also be an option
- Mini design profiles for individuals you have paid for
We can’t wait to help you be a step above the rest in your industry by applying Human Art to your business!
Guest Speaker
Human Art Guest Speaker
Invite Brook Thornley, co-founder of Human Art, to speak to your group or event for a short presentation all about Human Art. A 1-2 hour appearance will cover the main characteristics of the four harmonies of Human Art and how you can start using that knowledge to improve yourself and your interactions with others right away! After hearing this inspirational message, you will never again apologize for who you are, and you will learn how to love others for how they are! This is a great starting place for someone who is new to Human Art. It's a great way to get to know it and learn about all it has to offer!
*Price: $3,000 flat fee (additional fees may be included if travel is required)
*Private presentations for small groups, or guest/keynote speaker at larger events is available
*Maximum length of 2 hours (if you would like to spend more time with us please leave details in the notes of the booking form below.)

What people are saying!
"Human Art has been a game-changer for me! I always felt like there was more to personality than just questionnaires. Understanding my Personal Design has helped me improve communication in my relationships and navigate work dynamics with ease!"
"As a therapist, I've always valued understanding the nonverbal aspects of communication. Human Art provides a fantastic framework for exploring these elements. It's been a valuable tool in my sessions, helping clients gain deeper insights into their personalities and build stronger connections with others."
"I found the concept of Human Art intriguing and decided to give it a try. It sparked a journey of self-discovery that I'm still on, and I appreciate the unique perspective it offers."
"I attended a Human Art workshop with some friends, and it was amazing! Learning about the four Harmonies and how they relate to personality was fascinating. It definitely sparked some lively discussions about ourselves and the people we know!"

Our E-book
Human Art is a methodology combining correct principles from art, design, color and psychology theory. The principles find their way through everything you see around you. Everything in nature has an order, including mankind. It is a measurement, an equation that finally makes sense of our divine nature and how we were made. Human Art is a gift; it doesn't change who we are , it simply helps us recognize ourselves.